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Effective August 1, 2021, you will no longer be able to access INBiz using Internet Explorer. To continue using INBiz without disruption, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. To access INBiz, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Financial institutions and service companies may submit bulk electronic filings using Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Indiana has implemented the latest version (Version 4.0) of the XML Technical Specifications for UCC filings as adopted by the International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA).

Ucc xml implementation guide

To get started, download the UCC XML Implementation Guide. This guide contains the technical specifications to help XML users implement and interface with the Indiana UCC XML Service.

To submit XML filings you must:
  • Have an INBiz account
  • Complete the XML Registration & User Agreement
  • Have a saved payment account
  • Receive approval of your XML account by the Secretary of State
User Implementation Guide Get Started