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Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. To access INBiz, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Licensing - INBiz

The benefits of licensing are twofold: It allows a business to prove its expertise to the public, and it reassures Hoosiers of a business's capabilities and professionalism.

The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency gives many business owners and professionals the tools they need to succeed in the marketplace. The IPLA licenses professions as set in statute by the Indiana General Assembly. It provides customer support to almost a half million working Hoosiers.

Ipla Licensing

INBiz allows real estate licensees to complete real estate transfers online. The system guides users through the process of completing an array of tasks and streamlines the process of submission and review, allowing users to receive a response from a representative within a reasonable period of time.


Renew A License

Don't lose track of your license renewal deadline. Follow a few easy steps to renew your license and get back to work.


Follow a License/Notary Commission

Keep tabs on your own professional licenses or your employees licenses by following them through INBiz. Get started today.



If you have a license that was previously issued by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, link it to your INBiz account here.


Apply For A License

Going into a profession that requires a professional license? Launch your career by applying online through our simple system.