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Effective August 1, 2021, you will no longer be able to access INBiz using Internet Explorer. To continue using INBiz without disruption, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. To access INBiz, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Certification - WorkForceManagement - INBiz

All new businesses are special, but some require special permits and licenses.

The lists are long for both. We've covered some of them here but invite you to call (317) 232-6531 for further information. In addition, we urge you to contact your city or county planning/zoning commission to ensure your business complies with local zoning regulations.

Get Started

Give your Business A LEG UP

A Left Up Image

Are You A Diverse Business Owner?

While certifications may seem burdensome, they really are designed to give your business a leg up. Besides professional certifications, the state of Indiana is committed to creating a level playing field for all populations. If you run a minority, women or veteran business enterprise, you can seek certification to benefit from subcontracting opportunities on state contracts. In addition, your business might qualify for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification.


Ready toGet started?