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Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. To access INBiz, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Wage Reporting - WorkForceManagement - INBiz
Wage Reporting

Employers must file quarterly wage reports with DWD. This is to ensure the fairness of a host of programs, including unemployment insurance, veterans' services, public welfare and child support. Most employers can file UC-5 forms electronically on INBiz.

indiana New Hire reporting center

In addition to unemployment and wage reporting, federal and state laws require employers to report newly hired and re-hired employees to the Indiana New Hire Reporting Center. You must report all employees who reside or work in Indiana including those whom you anticipate paying earnings. For more information on reporting new/re-hired employees, visit the New Hire Reporting Center.

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