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Effective August 1, 2021, you will no longer be able to access INBiz using Internet Explorer. To continue using INBiz without disruption, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. To access INBiz, you must use a supported browser. INBiz is accessible on Microsoft Edge (IE replacement), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Register With DOR and DWD - INBiz

Depending on the type of business you have, the state of Indiana and local municipalities have different resources and filing requirements. Once you register an INBiz account and file with the Secretary of State, if necessary, you can register with the Department of Revenue and the Department of Workforce Development. Click the “Register Now” or “Login” buttons to access your INBiz account and get started.


Chances are, you will need to register your new business with the Indiana Department of Revenue, which administers Indiana taxes, including sales and withholding taxes. With INBiz, you can manage your business's sales and withholding taxes as well as food and beverage taxes, county innkeeper's tax, tire and safety fees and other business-related taxes.


If you have employees - even temporary ones - you will also need to register with the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. It oversees employee reporting, new hire reporting, unemployment insurance and wage reporting for the state of Indiana. You can do all that with INBiz too.

Ready to get started?